If you've recently joined CRSFPortal.org, thank you signing up and for your dedication to the kids you serve! And in case you haven't figured it out, we call everyone "coach" who plays that role for a child, regardless of whether you teach sports or math or life lessons.
To help you begin navigating the site like a pro, please check out this blog post: "Getting Started on CRSFPortal.org"
Welcome to our training portal! Please share your ideas, tips, or experiences by commenting below (or on any blog post). And if there's something you'd like to see on the site or a question you'd like answered on the Coaches Forum, please feel free to "Submit a Topic" on the main page of the Coaches Forum. Or if you'd just like to learn a little bit more about the people behind this site (a.k.a. the Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation program team), just check out our bios on the Contact Us page.
We look forward to hearing and learning from you!