
Healthy Meal Relay: Today's Play of the Day

Apr 22, 2020

Sometimes cooking a healthy meal can be difficult. In today’s Ripken Playbook Nutrition Play of the Day, you and a partner will perform the Healthy Meal Relay to learn how quick and easy healthy cooking can be! 


Healthy Meal Relay

Goal: To identify healthy ingredients in your kitchen and combine them into a healthy meal of your creation!

Ready, Set, Go!
  1. You and your partner will each have up to four minutes to look through your kitchen and search for one ingredient from each of the following My Plate categories: protein, grain, vegetable, fruit, and dairy. Time yourself.

  2. Now, you will select ingredients for your healthy meal. Between you and your partner, alternate picking one ingredient at a time so you each select one from every food group. The person who finds their ingredients the fastest will pick first.

  3. Now that you have selected one ingredient from every My Plate category, you and your partner will each try to create a healthy meal using the ingredients you picked!

  4. What meal idea did you come up with using your ingredients? Did you have to think outside of the box? Were you surprised how many healthy foods already lived in your kitchen?

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