Norma Warren is the Treasurer for the Jackie Robinson League in Greenville, NC.
My excitement is almost tangible.
I have been waiting for months for this movie to debut. We made arrangements with Carmike Cinema, a local theater, to take our players, at a significantly reduced price, to collectively view 42: The True Story of An American Legend. Our players are filing in the theater with their parents and siblings; everyone has caught the “excitement fever.”
Mr. Carl Long, a friend of the Jackie Robinson Baseball League and a former outfielder in the Negro League, has joined us. We’re watching the true story of a legend with a legend. He's pictured here with two of our players.
I cannot wait for this movie to begin. The theater’s manager has advised me that his 4:00 p.m. showings have never been so large. He has also advised me that the movie technically begins at 4:20 p.m. So, I have 20 minutes.
The movie begins; the entire audience is entranced. We collectively applaud at the end. Mr. Long signs autographs and whispers words of encouragement to our players. Then, we all leave the theater and reminisce with our respective groups.
My sorority sisters joined me for this viewing and we all decided to reminisce at the local Chili’s restaurant. Upon our arrival, we are given a guest pass because the wait is 30 minutes. My sorority sister inadvertently looks at the number on the guest pass and asks me to look. My heart jumps a beat.
The guest pass’s number is 42.
Now, some may consider this a coincidence, but I prefer to recognize this perfect moment as the day Mr. Jack Roosevelt "Jackie" Robinson, himself, sent word that he sees us.
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