Vanessa Lyon
SVP, Programs
Before joining the Foundation, Vanessa supported the Boys & Girls Clubs of Metropolitan Baltimore as the Chief Operations Officer. She served as a key leader responsible for providing the vision, leadership, and management necessary to ensure the organization had the proper operating efficiency to effectively manage and grow the organization.
In her past role as Chief of Staff for the Governor's Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services, she managed the Office's overall strategy and operations, including holistic approach to public safety that focused on increasing child wellbeing, prevention for at-risk youth, and resiliency for children and youth impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). Vanessa additionally served the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation as the Executive Director of Programs where she led the Foundation's Enterprising States and Cities program.
Vanessa holds a Bachelor of Science in mass communications from Boston University and a master's degree from Emerson College.